- The international Jury Exhibition which will be carried out under the scope of the Sinop University 11th of the Ecology Symposium can be participated in all artists who produce ecological arts ,bio-art,nature artwork.
- Exhibition ,picture.sculpture,photo,ceramic,video installation,gaphic,textile and so on it is open to different art areas.There is no thematic restriction.
- Exibition participation fee is 500 TL. Each artist can, apply for to three works . Payments Ziraat Bankası TR48 0001 0002 2680 1212 7650 03 the n ame of artist’s name artist (the example of the artist Egha Mercan_Sergi _Ecology) .Accepted to be sent to exhibition. The failed to be sent as announcement. Otherwise the fees will be refunded.
- Participants who attend the symposium with both paper presentations and exhibitions need only pay for the paper presentation fees.
- İn order to be consideration the art imagine they must to send to the adres ecologyexhibition@gmail.com by filling the appication form for exhibition (in the pixel of 3oo dpi format)
- The long edge of the size-art can be up to 100 cm.the most diameter of three –dimensional 50 cm.height 70 cm and the weight sould no be more than 25 kg.
- The copy of the application form for the arts to be send to the exibition should be intalled.
- The mailing expenses of the selected artifacts are sent to exibition center and the mailing expenses of th work that theto be workshop indicated by the exhibition is belonging to the work.
- The organization committee is not responsible for damage during transportain of the works.
- The exhibition applicants are consideredUniversity to be the Sinop University11th international Ecology Symposium exhibition conditions.
- The organization commitee will return the works in three weeks after the end of exhibitation.Participant artists his works of Sinop University the board will be satisfied.THose who want donate their works should mark the relevant area in the form of application for the donated works the entire owner will be honored.
- The selected works must be sent to hanger sistem as followed up to 25 May 2024.
- The exhibition catalog will be publıshed online
Last Applıcatıon Date | 10 May 2024 |
İnformıng Accepted Works To The Attendants | 15 May 2024 |
Sending The Works To The Exhibition | 16- 25 May 2024 |
Exhibition | 29 May- 03 June 2024 |
Authoring Address Aplication